Please father help me stay calm to study for my NAPLEX, and with your grace allow me to pass my exam. I take my exam in may and need prayers/ miracle to pass. Dolagi

Please pray for my severe panic attacks/anxiety that are negatively impacting my life, health, work, and family. Pray that God heals me from this disease and doesn’t let me pass out/faint/lose control or let anything bad happen due to the panic attack. Please pray that God doesn’t allow us to live internationally and re-positions my…

I just wanted everyone to be aware of the persecution that is taking place in Ethiopia right now. Abune Sawiros has ordained himself as ‘patriarch’ and ordained 26 new ‘bishops’ illegally. These ‘bishops’ Sawiros himself have been caught doing abominations to the cannon of the church. Sawiros has a wife and a son and the…

Please Lord allow me to pass my boards exam on the first time and to have peace, patience and know the information. amen. anonymous

Lord please watch over my boards exam, allow me to get a stable job, when it is your timing. I know you have a path for me. Amen. anonymous

Lord please help my sister and send her the right person to start a family with. Please ease her stress and help her achieve her dreams. Please guard and guide her Anonymous

Prayers for healing. Anonymous

for my dear ex husband, Jeff…I’ve been praying for his salvation and waiting on God in hope for the marriage, but I’ve not had any contact from him since Sept 2021 until yesterday, when he responded to a business-related email, praise God! Pls pray for God to save, heal, and restore. Renee

Prayer to stop the killing & imprisonment of Orthodox Christians In Ethiopia !! Seblewongel

God please hear my prayer as I ask you to help guide me during my exam at the end of this month. God please help calm anxiety so I can focus. God please have mercy on me and have mercy on a sinner. Anonymous

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Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern US.
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