Please pray for me, pray that the Lord forgives me of my many, many, past sins that have caused me spiritual, mental and physical decay and sickness. I suffer now the bad consequences of my past sins and want to let others know and come to realise that your sin will destroy you if you keep doing it and not asking for God's forgiveness and repenting.

Pray to God please to forgive me, strengthen me to repent everyday and to be pure, cleansed, refined, redeemed and renewed inside and outside of myself to be the pure spirit and daughter of God.

Please pray for me to have a loving, stronger, solid, consistent relationship with God. Pray please that I come to know God closely and intimately and that I love and obey God wholeheartedly and unconditionally.

Through the intercessions of our Lord Jesus Christ, St. Mary, St. Demiana and St. Marina. I ask and pray from my heart for this.

Thank you and God bless.


© St. Mary & St. Demiana Convent
Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern US.
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