Please pray with me,
that God may protect my father MN as he continues to go to work during the virus outbreak. Pray that God protects him and keeps him safe and surrounded by His holy angels. Pray for Nevine, that God may heal her cancer and bring her home. Pray for Makram, that God may give him company and fill his mind with comfort, joy and His word in this time. Pray for NS, that God may give her strength, energy and peace in these times. Pray for MM. That God may grant him comfort and peace. That God may continue to soften his heart and draw him closer to Him. That He fills his heart with the desire to get to know Him and love like Him. Grant him and his family comfort, health and His peace. I pray that we see Him in our relationships and seek Him in all that we do. Pray for me and my patience.

Marina Nicolas

© St. Mary & St. Demiana Convent
Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern US.
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