First and foremost, thank you Lord that You make all things end in good. Thanks to all who are praying on our behalf. May the prayer of the Saints be with you.
1. Please pray that my children are surrounded with friends who seek God first and will help my children to build a stronger, lasting relationship with God.
2. Please pray that as our family is breaking apart and dividing that God’s grace reveals our sins and sheds light so the darkness may be revealed. Pray that He gives us strength to endure the long-suffering until it is taken away. Help us during this time of intense struggle which include: husband/spouse addicted to pornography. Please pray that he may seek treatment for this addiction.
3. A daughter frightened of being harmed by her father, and struggling to know what God will is for her career.
4. A son who has no ambition in life. Please pray for his guidance and that he seek guidance and direction from wise counsel.
5. A son who is disobedient, disrespectful, and angry that his parents are always arguing because they don’t see eye to eye on things. It is hard for him to understand why mom and dad are not sleeping in the same room and not think we are not getting a divorce. The only way he know to communicate his feeling is through unhealthy behavior such as talking back and being defiant. Please pray that he understands one, this doesn’t help fix the situation and it doesn’t mean we as parents do not love him. Pray that he continues seeking advice from his father of confession and experiences God’s love as a Father.
6. Help me be free of past guilt and neglect; to be patient, to be a peacemaker during this time of suffering. Pray that I do not yell or condemn others but rather fall on my knees begging God for mercy and forgiveness, guidance, peace, and wisdom. Please pray that I am not a stumbling block to others in my family and that I submit to God will in my life.
Again, thank you for your prayers of healing and unity of our family.


© St. Mary & St. Demiana Convent
Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern US.
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